Manuela Boyle
University of New England, Australia
Manuela Boyle is an Australian Integrative Oncologist with board certification by the Institute of Integrative Medicine (USA). With over 20 years of clinical experience in Integrative Medical centres in Australia, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore, she is a leading integrative oncology educator delivering training and mentoring to medical doctors and allied health practitioners. She is a regularly invited guest speaker at key conferences around the globe and is the published author of several peer-reviewed papers. In 2015, she was accepted as an external expert by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm, Sweden, an honorary position aimed to provide independent scientific opinions, expert advice, data and information and to maintain scientific excellence at all times through the best expertise available. She is the Director of Vingyana Integrative Oncology Clinic in Sri Lanka, a state of the art technology and residential medical centre, while maintaining her presence at her clinics in Milano, London and the Gold Coast (Australia).