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Gacche Raju

Gacche Raju

Savitribai Phule Pune University, India


Rajesh N. Gacche is a Senior professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. Prof. Rajesh is a Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK. His research focuses on cancer biology, especially exploring natural products and promising plant-derived lead fractions as adjuvants or complementary and alternative medicine for improving the efficacy of conventional drugs and amelioration of emerging drug resistance and off-target toxicities. Prof. Rajesh has published over 150 research papers in reputed international journals. Prof. Rajesh is a author of a book titled as ‘Dietary Research and Cancer (1st ,1). Singapore: Springer Nature 2022. ISBN: 9789811660498. Oncologist, health care & food industry, nursing is widely using this book and the word media has taken cognizance of this book in the mainstream of diet and cancer research.



Abstract : Dietary flavonoid modulates epigenetic markers and miRNA in triple negative breast cancer